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Children Development Programs

The Children Development Program (CDP) implemented by the "PAT" Trust in Sentaneerpuram, Tiruchirappalli, is a noble initiative aimed at empowering children from one of the largest slum areas in the city. CDP designed to address the unique challenges of children from disadvantaged communities and provide them with opportunities for a brighter future.
The program started in the year 1997 had received overwhelming cum generous support and collaboration from two esteemed organizations: Rotary International and ASHA for Education, Stanford USA and Canada.

The prime aspects of the program


The program area is Sentaneerpuram, known for its disadvantaged conditions, and the program specifically focuses on children living in this community.


"PAT" Trust has been operating five daycare centers in the area since 1999 without interruption. This long-standing commitment demonstrates their dedication to the betterment of the community.


The program provides essential support to the children in the community. Each year, 25 children/centers are enrolled in the five daycare centers, totaling 125 children. Children provided two uniforms, ensuring they had the necessary clothing for school. Additionally, they are provided with nourishing meals, including nutritious porridge, to ensure their physical well-being.


Through its dedicated efforts, the "PAT" Trust is making a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of these children by setting them on a path toward a brighter and more promising future.

"Overall, the Children Development Program is a flagship program of 'PAT' that contributes significantly to the betterment of a disadvantaged community and provides young residents with opportunities to aspire to and achieve a better future."