The Board of Trustees at PAT is composed of domain experts who possess impeccable social consciousness credentials. The extensive experience in their respective fields equips them to make significant contributions towards achieving the institution's objectives.



Stephen Francis Xavier is the co-founder of the PAT Group of Institutions. He has diverse academic background that includes commerce, philosophy, and theology. This unique blend of knowledge forms the foundation of the PAT Trust, which he established with his late colleague Hirudayasami. Stephen Francis Xavier brings a wealth of experience in various facets making him a valuable asset to the organization.

His strong societal orientation is evident in his involvement in community-oriented projects, such as educating the underprivileged and empowering women. His training with "Terre Des Home," a Dutch organization focused on children's development programs, reflects his commitment to social causes.

Over the past 26 years, Stephen Francis Xavier has played a pivotal role in leading PAT. He has effectively planned and executed Community Development Programs with his colleagues,
In summary, Stephen Francis Xavier's multifaceted academic background, commitment to community development, and extensive experience have played a crucial role in shaping the PAT Trust and its mission to empower marginalized communities through education and vocational training.



Regis, a seasoned businessman with a background in social service activities, brings a unique blend of skills and experiences to the PAT. Regis has always had a deep commitment to social causes and has actively engaged in various social service activities and has been instrumental in implementing various social programs effectively.

His involvement and contributions plays a significant role in advancing the organization's efforts to bring about positive social change through various programs.

Mrs. Anne Jose Patricia


Anne's impressive educational background and journey within the PAT trust reflects her dedication and commitment to the organization's mission.

Her journey within the PAT trust is a testament to her abilities and dedication. She started as an officer and worked her way to become a board of trustees. This advancement highlights her expertise and acumen to take on leadership roles.

She plays a pivotal role in the organization's efforts to impact the community and ensure the financial stability of its operations.

Mr. John Rajasekaran


John's extensive experience and expertise in accounting, auditing, tax consulting, and financial management have made him an invaluable asset to PAT organization. He has built a strong reputation as an accounting and auditing practitioner and tax consultant in Trichy, Tamil Nadu. His long-standing presence in the field signifies his depth of knowledge and expertise in financial matters.

John's multifaceted contributions to the field of finance, his dedication to supporting NGOs, and his role as a trustee and risk manager for PAT underline his commitment to both professional excellence and social impact. His work significantly contributes to the financial well-being of organizations and communities in Tamil Nadu.

Mr. M.S.B. Deva Bala Singh


M.S.B Deva Bala Singh is a distinguished individual with an impressive career in the banking industry spanning over three decades, primarily with Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank (TMB). His contributions to the bank in various senior positions were marked by his meticulous service and dedication. His extensive career and multifaceted expertise in the banking and microfinance industries, coupled with his commitment to social service, make him a highly respected and accomplished individual in his field. His contributions to both the financial sector and the community serve as a source of inspiration for aspiring professionals and advocates of social development.

Mr.Deepak Roy


Deepak Roy is a distinguished Engineering graduate from a renowned institution. Starting from childhood, he has nurtured a profound passion for the betterment of his fellow human beings. He possesses inherent empathy that drives his commitment towards charitable endowments for bringing an apparent change in society. His onboarding to the leadership role at PATs shall bring a visionary approach and sleuth of innovative ideas to the trust activities. Through the seamless integration of his professional skills and inherent inclination towards uplifting communities, he will strive for a brighter and more compassionate future for all.